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Part 6 - Keymap editing and closing words

Keymap editing on the Andromeda is possible in just a few clicks.

  • If you have a recent version of Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, or any browser that supports WebUSB/WebHID, Remap can be used to edit the keymap directly from your browser.
  • If you prefer to use a local tool, the standalone Via Configurator can be installed.

Some useful keycodes for layer switching:

  • MO(x) momentarily switches to a layer, similar to how holding shift allows for entering capital letters while it is held.
  • TO(x) switches to a specific layer permanently. This may be useful for completely varying layers.


Closing words

Once again, thank you for your purchase, and we hope that Andromeda serves as a reliable keyboard for years to come.

If you ever need support, please contact us at the following:

  • For logistical issues such as damage/loss during transit, incorrect order contents, etc., contact the vendor you purchased from.

  • For assembly help regarding building and similar, first check the FAQ and drop by ai03’s Discord server for live community support. I won’t always be there to respond, but usually someone will know the answer to the question.

  • If it gets to the point where nobody knows the solution, either ping @ai03#2725 in the Discord server, or contact me via my contact form